- This article is from Jezebel Reporting, by Dodai Stewart, The Day I Trailed A Paparazzo.
The subject is a working paparazzi named Wagner AZ, who is presented as a hardworking nice guy. This is a great article, both entertaining and informative. I would recommend this article to anyone curious about how the world works. I learned how hard those guys work and that many, if not most, of them are nice. They are in it for the money, not to be creepazoids. Paparazzidom is a job like any other.
So there I was, reading the article about the paparazzo and thinking, "This is hunting. It's not just the shooting similarity, it's the stalking and reporting to each other where and when their targets will appear." And the writer says, "No actual Kardashians out in the wild," and I am not the only one who sees this obviousness. Just as the big game hunter waits by the pond at sunrise, the paparazzi wait outside buildings at school time.
The central conflict is well explained by the author. Basically it is the celebs' right to privacy vs. the photographers' right to earn a living. The celebs earn more money by being seen and photographed. The paparazzi have extended the viewing session time to 24/7.
The article makes the excellent point that some paparazzi are assholes, just like some teachers and doctors. All human subgroups have reps that are less that stellar beings. That in itself does not make them wrong. The hypocrisy is astounding. Everybody hates paparazzi because they take unbidden photos of people and we all know this because we like to look at and so buy the pics! Larger issues within larger issues. The more famous you are, the more they follow you and annoy you and make you more famous and richer.
Look how the paparazzi have made the Kardashians, who don't actually do much of anything, famous. As with the Gabor sisters, they are famous for being famous. Without the excitement and buzz of being followed by men with cameras they are but overdressed women, hair and make-up by expensive pros, powdered and lotioned and massaged to within an inch of their lives. So? Ah, but with the papas they are something else again, mysterious and glamorous and those elusive things many of us crave.
So they get lots of attention and money and we get satisfaction from being part of their glamorous world. All thanks to the paparazzo that we profess to look down upon.
Super! Very clear analysis. Excellent writing. Where's a link to the story?