Monday, October 17, 2011

Make $ Blogging

According to  Money  Help for Christians, "My three primary sources of income include selling eBooks, doing freelance writing, and advertising revenue from my blog." I originally thought the site was Making Money For CHRISTMAS.  I haven't yet determined what being a Christian has to do with it. I am a Christian and certainly mean no disrespect, but the actual mechanisms for making Internet money don't exactly appear in Ecclesiastics.

Anyhoo, all the different sites  seem to boil down to one formula.  Being different, plus being interesting, plus being productive, multiplied by popularity equals someone paying you. Preferably  LOTS of someones paying you. Deceptively simple. Some sites, like  Slate's Blogging For Dollars recommend putting ads on the site, some sell things through Amazon and get a percent of all sales, some people got some subscribers to give them money although that doesn't seem to have worked out. The author at the beginning of the paragraph writes the e-books he sells. Some sell a product such as recipes, while the blog discusses them. Many sites sell tips on selling blogging tips.

This advice is from BlueBook, who claims to have replaced his salary as private attorney by blogging."If it's one thing I've learned over the years, it's that persistent adaptation, continuous self education, a strong entrepreneurial spirit, and the uncanny ability to function with little sleep - are traits that can truly be turned into financial success."

Since I count sleeping right after eating in my list of favorite things to do, I don't know that I can be a successful blogger. I guess I'll have to think about it sometime when I'm awake...

1 comment:

  1. Mary, this is both informative and extremely funny. (I thought it was Making Money for Christmas also! It just goes to show...) Great blogging!
