Thursday, October 27, 2011

Opinion On Opinion

"Why I  Refuse To Text Message" from Salon Magazine. Link Here

I am not at sure what the writer is saying, as to why he will not text. The beginning of the article starts out well, funny and interesting.Then is sort of devolves. I wonder if he had a deadline and ran out of time. He seems to be saying, perhaps, I am guessing, that he is not going to be pushed into texting by peer pressure and sarcasm. Which I totally agree with. I think that if there is any reason for humans to divide into "us and them" camps, we will find it. Color, religion, political party, so on and on. So his contention that we are now dividing into texters and non-texters, phoners and non-message leavers is a correct one in my opinion.

1 comment:

  1. I'm intrigued. What's the author's name? This will help us follow, since you refer to "he." And can you *show* just how crumbly his argument is with a quote or two? And a picture. Here's a great opportunity to do a Google image search and see if you can find a picture to illustrate this divide.
