This Part 4 a series.
Click here for Part 1
Two hours into my search for flights, I realized that what I had printed out as schedules flying IN and flying OUT all had exactly the same flight numbers and times.
Apparently, I reset the computer parameters (TO Tucson FROM Denver, FROM Denver TO Tucson - my head was spinning) and the computer hadn’t redone the search.
So I threw out 12 pages of flight times and started over.
Friday, the plane landed at midnight and the kids would be wild for a minimum 2 days from sleep deprivation. So that was out. Saturday, prices went way up. Monday, Grampy would have a 5 hour wait between flights. Wednesday, all the flights changed planes in Albuquerque, which I can barely spell. (I think that’s actually what Albuquerque means "word that cannot be spelled")
Eventually with much saying of prayer and grinding of teeth, I picked out flights.
Mary, your joke about Albuquerque (however you spell it!) is hilarious. What web sites were you using to search for flights? USE the web! Link, link, link. Any relevant travel blogs you can find?