This is part 2 of a series. Click here for
Part 1 Airline Tickets
Part II
How hard can it be?" Did I actually say that?? Then I probably deserve what happened.
As it turns out there are complications.
1) The airline schedulers (as long suspected) are testing new strains of methamphetamines. At work.
They appear to also be setting schedules and prices via games of pigeon checkers. (Game where the winners are chosen by pigeons pecking on numbers drawn on a canvas sheet.)
2) The kids can’t travel alone. They’re too friendly, too little, too cute and besides, they will try and drive the plane.
3) I can’t go get them, due to a back condition. So my husband (the adorable Grampy) who is the only one in this house working, has to go get them and take them back.
4) I would rather not refinance the house (again) to pay for the tickets.
5) On December 23rd, the prices go crazy. I could buy something really nice (like my share of an island) for that money. They’re flying from Denver, not the plant Neptune. It’s an airplane, that runs on fuel, not a rocket ship powered by the spit of downtrodden slaves.
The airline apparently knows all this and has set the flight times as far as possible from when I need them.
Still, all things considered, this should be a walk in the park. I was, after all, a manager for the County and have organized weddings. However, learning the complications has tired me out and I'm ready for my nap.